Well Now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula, The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, Coming To You from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. So. It Seems to Me that Joe Biden has a new Nickname. My Digital Host, David, and I agree and laugh how much of a Creepy version of Little Bo Peep he is. It also shows you how blind the sheep he leads actually are because of their own TDS. Thankyouverymuch. ๐๐๐๐คฃ๐๐คก๐คฎ๐๐๐บ๐ธ
#littlejoecreep #littlebopeep #parodystuck #laughs #parodymadness #poopypantsbiden #pedofiles #disgustinsideout #disgusted #dementiajoe #puke #barfout #bidenpoopedhispants #diary #exposed #showertogether #sick #joebiden #bidenanddemsdidthis #sickbiden #nickname #leaderboard #sheepdada23 #sheepdada #laughs #creepnation #creepyjoe #creepcam #memestock #memefi
The first News is that Chris Cuomo is now saying that Ivermectin works. He found out the hard way after he was injured by CV19 injections. The second News is that all charges against Donald Trump are failing. The third News is bad however. Banks are gonna crash.
Here's the article from USA Watchdog that we used.
What more is there to say. It is quite clear that those politicians and activists are lying through their teeth. Carbon Dioxide is NOT a threat to the environment at all. Quite the opposite is true actually. This Harvard University Scientist is pointing out the absolute truth.
Here's the post from X (Formerly known as Twitter) that we used.
What Al-Ayham Saleh reports on his website on blog is exactly we have reported before in our video about this so called Doctor. This Communist Quack of a so called Doctor, Tan Yongshi AKA Theresa Tam should be placed under arrest. This ugly thing, whether a man or woman, wanted to make an unconstitutional law that everyone has to be jabbed or they get arrested. At any rate this fake person should be exposed for the fraudulent thing that it is
Here's the article from Al-Ayham Saleh Aggregator.
Well Now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, Coming To You from Montreal Quebec Canada. So. It seems to me that my Digital Host, David, and I had a good Swedish meal at Ikea. We had the Swedish Poutine coupled with the Swedish Meatballs. With it we had a vegetable soup. We accompanied with some bread and a quiche. We washed it down with Ikea Cola. We washed it down with some Ikea Cola. Basically we ate like cute Swedish Viking Piggies. Thankyouverymuch. ๐ง๐๐๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ฅค๐บโ๐จ๐ฆ๐ธ๐ช๐ฝ๐ท๐ท๐
#Superdavebeastulathetallwhitegothicvampirealien #snapgod #snapjakol #snaphack #SnapChat #lol #solarsystem #mastercheftheprofessionals #laugh #memefiyoutubecodes #memecoinmagic #mastersoftheuniverse #mememagic #spaceshore #spacefrogtuesday #memes #mercury #venus #earth #mars #jupiter #saturn #neptune #uranus #pluto #nibiru #planetx #wormwood #sun #star
Well Now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien, Coming To You from Montreal Quebec Canada. So. It Seems to Me that my Digital Host, David, and I are Masters of the Universe. Well, sort of, at least in this case we are the head of the Solar System, kind of like Helios. We have the 9 Gods racing around the Sun (Planets I should say). We have Mercury (Hermes in Greek) VERY close by. The second is Venus (Aphrodite In Greek). The next one is this planet, Earth (Gaia in you know what). The next one nest to us is Mars (Ares). Next one is the GIANT gas planet Jupiter (Zeus). After that is the giant ringed planet Saturn (Kronos). After that one is Neptune (Poseidon). Next one after is Uranus (Huranos). The last one we are sure is a planet but some people suggest otherwise. This one is Pluto (Hades). So there is what we master. However there is one planet that is elusive. It is referred to as Planet X, or perhaps Wormwood. It is called Nibiru. That's it. ...
Well Now, Always Remember, Superdavebeastula The Tall White Gothic Vampire Alien Coming To You from Montreal Quebec Canada. So. It Seems to Me that what we have here is another Character from DOOM. This one is more Powerful than the Imp. It is a little less so than the Caco Demon. If it is next to you, it chews you out and mauls you. It is best you have your chainsaw to cut it up. You should shoot it with your rifle or machine gun before it gets next to you. My Digital Host, David, and I present The Pinky Demon. Thankyouverymuch. ๐๐๐คฃ๐๐น๐บ๐๐ค๐ฎ๐ป๐ซ
#cute #nastytweets #nastynetflix #nasty19 #pinky #pinkystation #lol #pinkydoll #demonhunter #demonslayer #demontime #demons #gameblackfriday #gamer #kek #doomatyourservice #doometernal #doommax #doomcoin #doomscythe #doom #idsoftware #bethesda #doomtwt #mightydoom #doomslayer #fangster #fangsoffortune #clawsup #scratch